sábado, 13 de noviembre de 2010

Conciencia Negra

En el mes de noviembre en Brasil celebramos la muerte de un negro icono de la lucha contra la esclavitud: Zumbi dos Palmares!

Noviembre es el mes de la Consciencia Negra,lo que se puede entender también por Afrocentric awareness:

“This is the level in which a person becomes totally changed to a conscious level of involvement in the struggle for his or her own mind liberation. Only when this happens we can say that the person is aware of the collective conscious will. Once one has this awareness, one doesn’t need to be told that he or she has it, it is consciously revealed to oneself and those who meet him or her. The afrocentric awareness is the total commitment to African liberation anywhere and everywhere by a consistent determined effort to repair any psychic, economic, physical, or cultural damage done to Africans.”

("African Diaspora in Europe" , Journal of Black Studies, Vol.31, N.3, january 2001, p. 278)

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